I’m sure you are not surprised to hear that the craft sales and art shows I’ve attended as a vendor over the past few years are not running this year. Before the pandemic hit, I stood in the parking lot of one of the sales venues at the end of a weekend, after having packed up my wares, and I asked myself, “How long can I keep this up?” It seems the past 20 months gave me the answer! After my initial shock of living in a pandemic subsided, I decided that 2019 was the final year of my traveling out to shows to sell my pottery.
Luckily, I have had my small gallery in Mayo since 2003 and my work goes from the warm kiln to my gallery shelf quite quickly and easily. Shopping here is a very personal experience. There are no crowds, just wall to wall pottery that you can touch, and see from every side, not just the one side that is photographed. I’ll put on some “shopping music” and make you a cup of tea then leave you to shop. I’m always available for questions and you never have to guess about the purpose of the pottery, or how to care for what you’re thinking of buying. Coming to my gallery is the only way to see my work in person.
Measures are still in place here at the Pottery to keep us all safe. You must make an appointment. Masks are mandatory. I have hand sanitizer for you, and common surfaces are cleaned between visitors.
You can also see my work and what’s for sale on my Facebook business page and we can do the transaction on line by email. Payments can be made with an eTransfer and I’ll ship the order to you. Just drop me a line at LM@LMSerafin.com about the piece(s) you’re interested in purchasing, or leave a comment on Facebook. This is a link to my photo album “Currently In Stock.” https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?vanity=PoterieLmSerafinPottery&set=a.4211603472192034
If you decide to come to Mayo, it is closer than you think! Mayo is just outside of Buckingham, QC, about 20 minutes north on the 315, and about 45 minutes from downtown Ottawa. The roads are well maintained throughout the year, so even a winter drive not worrisome.
Google maps is a great resource where you can easily find your way to me. You can also read reviews from my wonderful customers on Google. My website has directions complete with landmarks.
Make an appointment today by calling 819-281-3307. See you soon!