How Time Flies

September has flown by at the speed of sound.  I hardly believe it’s nearly the middle of October.  Thanksgiving has just passed and we enjoyed it with family, plenty of squash and a lot of sunshine.

I’ve been quite busy all summer beginning with my Annual Summer Sale around St. Jean Baptiste Day near the end of June each year.  After that we entertained quite a few summer guests during July, and in August I had minor surgery and was recovering for 4 weeks after that.

I thought that keeping a regular blog about my pottery work would be easy.  Well, it’s not difficult to find things to write about, but what is hard is finding the time to do it in between all life has to offer as well as what we are obliged to do, like eat, sleep, cook, wash ourselves and our clothes…you know, human stuff.

Another difficulty is to find balance between creating my work and marketing my work.  I guess I’m marketing my work by blogging about the process, but it feels a lot more personal than that.

My question to myself is often, “How much time on the computer can I spend before I start to feel the urge to be in the studio because I’m writing about it?”  It’s like when you see a person yawn, you yawn too…or when you read the word yawn, it actually makes you yawn.  In the same way we are affected by seeing someone yawn, I am moved to go play with clay as I write about it.

I’m also very aware of the passing days and the craft show at the end of the month followed by my own open house the weekend after.  If I’m writing about making pots it means I am certainly not actually making any pots.  And I can guarantee you that if I’m writing, I am multi-tasking.  For example I’m eating lunch and typing between bites.

As I was saying, there is a craft sale coming up at the end of October, on Saturday, October 29, 2011, to be exact and it will be held at the Buckingham Elementary School at 615 George St. in Buckingham (Gatineau), QC.

This is my first experience with this craft sale and I chose it because it is local and the money being raised by the organizers is going into the school library fund.  I think it’s really important for children to have access to a great school library, so I’ll be there with a sampling of my pottery for every day living and lots of tree decorations for the upcoming holiday season.

For each sale I try to create something new.  Right now I am knee deep in Yuletide decorations and I have created some new ones (doves and paisley peacocks) that I’m very excited to debut this year! It’s kind of odd making stars and gingerbread men decorations when the leaves are turning red and yellow, yet my work cycles are long therefore a lot of thinking ahead is required.

Terracotta "gingerbread" men.

For my Annual Fall Sale I have been really getting into making café au lait bowls which happen to be the perfect size for all sorts of things besides café au lait.  They make the perfect cereal bowl that can be cradled in your hand while you are wrapped up in Grandma’s quilt watching cartoons on frosty Saturday mornings.

Picture yourself with a bowl of steaming hot "anything" in this lovely bowl.

Well, lunch is over and I have bowls to trim, so I must get to that, but do come by sometime soon and check out the gallery and studio in person.  The perfect day just might be on a weekend coming soon.  Our Annual Fall Sale is on Saturday, November 5 and Sunday November 6 from 10:00 a.m. until 6 p.m.

P.S.  So, did you yawn when you read the word?


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11 Responses to How Time Flies

  1. No yawn from me. I never tire of your work. 🙂

  2. bobi says:

    i didn’t yawn, but i do know what you mean about the promoting vs. creating thing of which you speak, i try to do a little bit of both every day – ahhh, the quest for balance! love the bowl and the gingerbread peeps 🙂

  3. I lovelovelove your work. The bowls are beyond beautiful and the Gingerbread Boys are absolutely adorable.

  4. toni says:

    I DID yawn at the precise moment I read the word. You are magickal.

  5. Emrana says:

    I was gonna say, thanks for making me yawn!! *teehee*

    I adore that bowl. That’s what I have in mind for a salad bowl as well. Now I am picturing a steaming bowl of my homemade soup in the bowl in the pic ~ mmmmm just had lunch but now I’m hungry again!

  6. Patti says:

    I love the blue bowls! I will need to come shopping the next time I’m in your neck of the woods, which will be May! Great blog too!

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